At Europort, an important theme on the Radio Holland booth (no 1124, Hall 1, Ahoy) is #Viewfromthebridge. Radio Holland started the online-campaign called #Viewfromthebridge in April of this year. Since then the number of followers on the RH LinkedIn page has increased with more than 4000 followers. RH technicians all over the world post their #Viewfromthebridge, photos and their story about the technical work they do on board of ships all over the world, service, maintenance, refits and newbuild installation of NavCom equipment, solving challenges every day. The technicians are showcasing Radio Holland’s drive as the number one global service provider in the global maritime industry for NavCom equipment.
Authenticity & Expertise
What makes the campaign special, is the authenticity and expertise. The technicians from all over the world, tell about their work, make their own pictures and post on social media. The #Viewfromthebridge posts show the versatile know-how and professionalism of the Radio Holland technicians. The hashtags used by the technicians are various, from #yourshipourpassion to #happycaptain and #serviceisinourDNA.
Radio Holland solutions at Europort
At Europort, Radio Holland shows #Viewfromthebridge on a large projection screen above the stand. Radio Holland welcomes relations from all maritime market segments. Radio Holland amongst others shows Furuno’s newest digital Chart Table, the Furuno Voyager integrated bridge, the latest fishery technology, the new Lars Thrane GMDSS prepared Iridium terminal, Cobham SATCOM, Radio Zeeland’s newest unique inland shipping bridge concept as well as the new Orolia inland VDR, a versatile DP system by RH Marine and more. Radio Holland also presents a global promo campaign with renowned gyrocompass manufacturers and in Europe a special campaign price for the RHRS TFT Riverradar.