Solas Communication Carriage Requirements and Needs
Radio Holland has an extensive knowledge in the International regulations regarding communication carriage requirements and needs of your vessel. Below an overview of the equipment that is required on your vessel according to the SOLAS Fire fighting communications (CH.II-2 R10), Life saving appliances (CH.III), GMDSS (CH.IV), LRIT (CH.V) and ISPS (CH.XI-2).
Vessels size & sea area
Click on one of the links to view the specific requirements of your vessel.
Ships 300 – 499GT in sea area A1
Ships 500GT and upward in sea area A1
Ships 300 – 499GT in sea area A2
Ships 300 – 499GT in sea area A3
Ships 500 GT and upward in sea area A2
Ships 500GT and upward in sea area A3

More Information?
Do you need more information, just ask us! Our specialists are happy to answer your sales questions and get back to you as soon as possible.

Ships between 300 – 499 GT
Cargo ships
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART)5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS)6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Passenger ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Ships 500 GT and upward in sea area A1
Cargo ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS)6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Passenger ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b)2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Ships between 300 – 499 GT in sea area A2 3)
Cargo ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b)1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b)2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Passenger ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station a) or HF DSC Receiver for MSI
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b)1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b)2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Ships between 300 – 499 GT in sea area A3
Cargo ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Passenger ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- MF/HF SSB + DSC or Duplicated RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b)1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b)2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Ships 500 GT and upward in sea area A2 3)
Cargo ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b)1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b)2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Passenger ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station1)
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Duplicated MF SSB + DSC
- Duplicated RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated MF/HF SSB+DSC
- HF DSC Receiver for MSI
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b)1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b)2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements9)
Ships 500 GT and upward in sea area A3
Cargo ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Passenger ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- MF/HF SSB + DSC or Duplicated RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Ships 300-499 GT in sea area A4
Cargo ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Duplicated MF/HF SSB+DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Passenger ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Duplicated MF/HF SSB+DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Ships 500 GT and upward in sea area A4
Cargo ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Duplicated MF/HF SSB+DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Passenger ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Duplicated MF SSB + DSC
- Duplicated RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated MF/HF SSB+DSC
- HF DSC Receiver for MSI
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
a) Ship Earth Station from a Recognized Mobile Satellite Service (RMSS).
b) Also Mandatory on MODU units.
1) LRIT guidance
Ships operating exclusively in Sea Area A1, and fitted with an AIS, shall not be required to comply with the provisions of this regulation.
- Sea Area A1+A2+A3 via INM-C or Iridium.
- Sea Area A4 via Iridium.
A valid LRIT Conformance Test Report (CTR) to be available on board (Some Flag States may have additional specific regulations on validity). Contact Radio Holland for LRIT Conformance Testing and the issueing of Conformance Test Reports
2) SSAS can be met using a SES from a Recognized Mobile Satellite Service
3) Sea Areas A1+A2: LRIT arranged with Inmarsat C or GMDSS mini-C is equivalent for duplicated MF SSB+DSC
4) SBM of EPIRB required at every battery change or at least once every 5 years. Alternative method: Replace: the EPIRB with a new one VDR floating recording medium of new VDRs placed after 1 July 2014 includes EPIRB functionality and dependent of flag state may fulfill the EPIRB requirement. As of 1 July 2022 all EPIRBS are required to have GPS and AIS functionality incorporated.
5) 2 pieces for passenger ships and cargo ships of 500 gt and upwards
1 piece for cargo ships between 300 and 500 gt
6) 2-way VHF radiotelephones, as follows:
- 3 units for passenger ships and cargo ships of 500 gt and upwards
- 2 units for cargo ships between 300 and 500gt
- Explosion proof or intrinsically safe 2-way portable radiotelephone equipment: 2 pieces per fire party on board
7) A combination of Duplication of equipment and Shore-Based Maintenance shloud be used. At-Sea Maintenance as alternative for SBM is not in use
8) Contact Radio Holland for your annual GMDSS Radio & AIS survey (Approved by the major Classification Societies)
9) Contact Radio Holland for all available SERVICE & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS
Radio Holland does not guarantee the completeness, correctness, or continued topicality of the data and information. No rights can be derived from this information. We advise you to independently verify the correctness and completeness of this information before basing any action or non-action on this.
Moreover, Radio Holland accepts no liability for the current validity, correctness, completeness or quality of the information made available. Liability claims against Radio Holland which refer to damage of a material or non-material kind which was caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of erroneous and incomplete information have no validity whatsoever and are herewith expressly renounced by Radio Holland to the furthest extent permittable by law.
Ships 500 GT and upward in sea area A4
Cargo ships
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Duplicated MF/HF SSB+DSC
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
Passenger ships
- RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated VHF + DSC
- Duplicated MF SSB + DSC
- Duplicated RMSS Ship Earth Station a)
- Duplicated MF/HF SSB+DSC
- HF DSC Receiver for MSI
- Receiver(s) for MSI and SAR related information (NAVTEX)
- LRIT reporting function b) 1)
- SSAS – Ship Security Alert System b) 2)
- Satellite EPIRB 406 MHz 4)
- SAR Locating Device (RADAR-SART (9 GHz) or AIS-SART) 5)
- 2-way VHF radiotelephones (GMDSS) 6)
- 2-way Ex-proof (UHF or VHF)radiotelephones (Fire Fighting) 6)
- Aeronautical VHF GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- GMDSS Distress alarm panel
- Public Address System
- GA System + communication- or PA system
- Reserve Power source + Automatic Battery Charger
- SBM – Shore Based Maintenance 7)
- Annual GMDSS Radio Communication Surveys 8)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 9)
a) Ship Earth Station from a Recognized Mobile Satellite Service (RMSS).
b) Also Mandatory on MODU units.
1) LRIT guidance
Ships operating exclusively in Sea Area A1, and fitted with an AIS, shall not be required to comply with the provisions of this regulation.
- Sea Area A1+A2+A3 via INM-C or Iridium.
- Sea Area A4 via Iridium.
A valid LRIT Conformance Test Report (CTR) to be available on board (Some Flag States may have additional specific regulations on validity). Contact Radio Holland for LRIT Conformance Testing and the issueing of Conformance Test Reports
2) SSAS can be met using a SES from a Recognized Mobile Satellite Service
3) Sea Areas A1+A2: LRIT arranged with Inmarsat C or GMDSS mini-C is equivalent for duplicated MF SSB+DSC
4) SBM of EPIRB required at every battery change or at least once every 5 years. Alternative method: Replace: the EPIRB with a new one VDR floating recording medium of new VDRs placed after 1 July 2014 includes EPIRB functionality and dependent of flag state may fulfill the EPIRB requirement. As of 1 July 2022 all EPIRBS are required to have GPS and AIS functionality incorporated.
5)Â 2 pieces for passenger ships and cargo ships of 500 gt and upwards
1 piece for cargo ships between 300 and 500 gt
6)Â 2-way VHF radiotelephones, as follows:
- 3 units for passenger ships and cargo ships of 500 gt and upwards
- 2 units for cargo ships between 300 and 500gt
- Explosion proof or intrinsically safe 2-way portable radiotelephone equipment: 2 pieces per fire party on board
7) A combination of Duplication of equipment and Shore-Based Maintenance shloud be used. At-Sea Maintenance as alternative for SBM is not in use
8) Contact Radio Holland for your annual GMDSS Radio & AIS survey (Approved by the major Classification Societies)
9) Contact Radio Holland for all available SERVICE & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS
Radio Holland does not guarantee the completeness, correctness, or continued topicality of the data and information. No rights can be derived from this information. We advise you to independently verify the correctness and completeness of this information before basing any action or non-action on this.
Moreover, Radio Holland accepts no liability for the current validity, correctness, completeness or quality of the information made available. Liability claims against Radio Holland which refer to damage of a material or non-material kind which was caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of erroneous and incomplete information have no validity whatsoever and are herewith expressly renounced by Radio Holland to the furthest extent permittable by law.