Gyrocompass detects the ship’s heading. It detects the direction of true north by using a fast-spinning rotor, which is influenced by gravity and rotation of the Earth and detects ship’s heading.
The heading indicated by the gyrocompass is transmitted to receiving devices, including the repeater compass.
The ship’s heading is transmitted to repeater compasses and other ship’s equipment after the signal format is converted to serial data or to stepper or analog signals depending on what type of format the equipment requires.

- A space saving Modular design. Master Compass can be integrated in the autopilot steering stand
- Manual and automatic speed error correction
- External heading sensor can back up the heading outputs
- Serial data output IEC61162-2 (high-speed transmission)
- A unique anti-vibration mechanism enhanced by the velocity damping effect of high viscous oil, provides superior damping of vibrations
- A small and lightweight container enhances the follow-up speed.
- Easy maintenance and long maintenance periods.
Three types
The CMZ900 series gyrocompass provides three types of gyrocompass system:
- CMZ900B (B2): a standalone gyrocompass for small merchant vessels
- CMZ900S: Using single gyrocompass, it is suitable for general merchant vessels
- CMZ900D: Using dual gyrocompass, it is suitable for general merchant vessels
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