RH Marine DPT-4500 DP System
RH Marine DPT-4500 DP system has a long track record in the development of applications for Ship Motion Control, all designed to optimize the basic ship operations.
One of the applications it offers from its extensive resources of functionalities and controls is the Dynamic Positioning and Tracking (DPT) control system. Ranging from an add-on for an integrated bridge to a class approved DP2 system, from a small joystick system to a redundant multi station setup or from stand alone to fully physical and functional integrated within RH Marine Rhodium bridge system, the RH Marine solution can cover almost any configuration.
With Dynamic Positioning and Tracking, a vessel can maintain its position and heading automatically by means of thruster force. As well as this station keeping, RH Marine’s Dynamic Positioning and Tracking system can also order the vessel to sail a predefined track at very low speed, where the heading may differ from the sailed course. This system has been developed by drawing upon our many years of experience in ships’ automation and control systems, gained in our work with vessels such as naval vessels, luxury yachts and offshore workboats.

Wide Range of Functions
The DPT system is suitable for all operations and speeds. The DPT 4500 system contains the following functions:
- Conning Display – Showing a complete overview of available navigation sensor data.
- Joystick Control System – Providing the advantage of combined manual control of propulsion, rudders and thrusters, to be able to maneuver easily to all directions including turning.
- Auto Pilot – This function makes heading, track control possible by means of a certified Auto Pilot.
- The Autopilot is certified if all applicable hardware is used. The used Auto Pilot (Anschutz of RH Marine) have to be determined during engineering.
- Dynamic Tracking (maintaining track on low speeds)
- Dynamic Positioning – The DP algorithm automatically maintains the vessel at its position and direction by means of thruster force. The DPT mimics can provide comprehensive feedback, as well as providing continuous prompting for further information or warning of any errors.
- Thanks to our always-on philosophy the transfer between these different modes is smooth and all modes are operated via one user interface.
- Manual mode (manual control over the levers, monitored by the DPT system)
- Sail Pilot (Heading Control System, Track Control System)
- Medium Pilot (also using bow and stern thrusters)
- Speed Control (maintaining fixed speed)
The Dynamic Positioning and Tracking system has been developed by drawing upon our many years of experience in ship’s automation and control systems, gained in working with vessels such as naval vessels, offshore workboats and luxury super yachts.
Want to know more?
Contact one of our specialists for more information or a quotation, they are more than willing to assist.