IT on Board
Ship operations and equipment are becoming more and more dependent on IT equipment. Crews use Maritime IT systems to contact their loved ones, and operational technology on board vessels and platforms increasingly uses IT systems to enable communication.
This brings many benefits to shipowners and crews. Never before has it been so easy to maintain contact with home, and automation on board makes the operation of a ship safer and more efficient. However, it is essential that the underlying IT infrastructure is secure, reliable and in compliance with the ISM code.

Network Infrastructure
Radio Holland supplies and maintains network structures that can serve as a basis for the various systems on board ships and platforms. When designing the network architectures the performance and safety requirements for each system are taken into account. In addition, maritime regulations impose requirements on the design and management of these networks as described in the IMO 2021 Cybersecurity Measures, ISO 27001 and “Guidelines on cyber security on board of ships”.
IT Based Systems
Radio Holland supplies various IT-based systems, such as storage and backup solutions, firewalls, satellite communication systems, CCTV, public address (PA/GA), telephone, door access and entertainment systems. These systems can be delivered sharing one network, underlying the network infrastructure on board.

ASRV Nuyina
Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS, Vlissingen) has awarded Radio Holland a large and innovative contract to supply the IT systems on board the state-of-the-art Antarctic Supply Research Vessel (ASRV) for the Australian Antarctic Division.

Jackup Barge 115
Radio Holland renewed the complete IT infrastructure for the JB-115 barge of Jack-Up Barge. The renewal includes design, installation and commissioning of an IT network. The JB-115 is an existing platform which has an IT structure on board, that is no longer Future Proof.
More Information?
Do you need more information, just ask us! Our specialists are happy to answer your sales questions and get back to you as soon as possible.