Solas Shipborne Navigational Carriage Requirements
Radio Holland has an extensive knowledge in the International regulations regarding navigation carriage requirements of your vessel. Below an overview of the equipment that is required on your vessel according to the SOLAS chapter V ‘Safety of navigation’
Vessels size
Click on one of the links to view the specific requirements of your vessel.

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Ships less than 150 GT
Cargo ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Nautical charts and nautical publications*
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- RADAR reflector* (3 & 9 GHz Radars)
- Sound Reception System* (SRS) 3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Passenger ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications*
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- RADAR reflector* (3 & 9 GHz Radars)
- Sound Reception System* (SRS) 3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Transmitting Heading Device* (Gyro, Electromagnetic or Satellite)
- (Simplified) Voyage Data Recorder ((S-)VDR) 5)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT)1
- APT for (S-)VDR and AIS Surveys 5)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Ships between 150 and 299 GT
Cargo ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications*
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS) 3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Passenger ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications*
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS) 3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Transmitting Heading Device* (Gyro, Electromagnetic or Satellite)
- (Simplified) Voyage Data Recorder ((S-)VDR) 5)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- APT for (S-)VDR and AIS Surveys 5)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Ships between 300 and 499 GT
Cargo ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications*
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS) 3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Transmitting Heading Device* (Gyro, Electromagnetic or Satellite)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Passenger ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications*
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS)3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Transmitting Heading Device* (Gyro, Electromagnetic or Satellite)
- (Simplified) Voyage Data Recorder ((S-)VDR) 5)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- APT for (S-)VDR and AIS Surveys 5)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Ships between 500 and 2.999 GT
Cargo ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications* 5)
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Indicators (rudder, propellor, thrust, pitch & operational mode)*
- Gyro compass*
- Gyro heading repeater at emergency steering position*
- Gyro bearing repeaters (360 degrees)* 1)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Passenger ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications* 5)
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Indicators (rudder, propellor, thrust, pitch & operational mode)*
- Gyro compass*
- Gyro heading repeater at emergency steering position*
- Gyro bearing repeaters (360 degrees)* 1)
- ECDIS (including backup arrangement)* 4)
- (Simplified) Voyage Data Recorder ((S-)VDR) 5)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- APT for (S-)VDR and AIS Surveys 5)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Ships between 3.000 and 9.999 GT
Cargo & Passenger ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications* 5)
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Indicators (rudder, propellor, thrust, pitch & operational mode)*
- Gyro compass*
- Gyro heading repeater at emergency steering position*
- Gyro bearing repeaters (360 degrees)* 1)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6)
Ships between 10.000 and 49.999 GT
Cargo & Passenger ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications* 5)
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS) 3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- 3 GHz RADAR* including ATA or ARPA (S-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Indicators (rudder, propellor, thrust, pitch & operational mode)*
- Heading or Track Control System (HCS (autopilot) / TCS)*
- Gyro compass*
- Gyro heading repeater at emergency steering position*
- Gyro bearing repeaters (360 degrees)*
- ECDIS (including backup arrangement)* 4)
- (Simplified) Voyage Data Recorder ((S-)VDR) 5)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- APT for (S-)VDR and AIS Surveys 5)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6 )
Ships 50.000 GT and upwards
Cargo & Passenger ships
- Standard magnetic compass*
- Pelorus or Compass bearing device*
- Correction to heading/bearing*
- Spare magnetic compass
- Nautical charts and nautical publications* 5)
- GNSS (GPS) or terrestrial Radio Navigation System*
- Sound Reception System* (SRS) 3)
- Telephone to emergency steering system*
- Daylight signalling lamp*
- Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
- Echosounder*
- 9 GHz RADAR* including EPA, ATA or ARPA (X-band) 2)
- 3 GHz RADAR* including ATA or ARPA (S-band) 2)
- Automatic Identification System* (AIS) 5)
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Thru Water
- Speed & Distance Measuring Device (SDME) – Speed Over Ground
- Indicators (rudder, propellor, thrust, pitch & operational mode)*
- Heading or Track Control System (HCS (autopilot) / TCS)*
- Gyro compass*
- Gyro heading repeater at emergency steering position*
- Gyro bearing repeaters (360 degrees)*
- Rate of Turn indicator* (ROT)
- ECDIS (including backup arrangement)* 4)
- (Simplified) Voyage Data Recorder ((S-)VDR) 5)
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) 1
- APT for (S-)VDR and AIS Surveys 5)
- Service and Maintenance Agreements 6 )
1) On ships < 1.600 GT only if possible
2) Minimum RADAR plotting functionality:
< 500 GT: EPA, 500 to 10.000 GT: ATA and ≥ 10.000 GT: ARPA
3) In case of a totally enclosed ship’s bridge (unless flag state exemption)
4) ECDIS Software maintenance & ENC updates (see note 6)
5) Contact Radio Holland for your (S-)VDR and AIS Annual Performance Test (Approved by the major Classification Societies)
6) Contact Radio Holland for all available SERVICE & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS
* Approved alternative means are permitted
1 Also mandatory on MODU units