Inexpensive Satellite Terminals for Store-and-Forward Messages
Used for distress and safety communications as well as fleet tracking, Inmarsat C and Mini C enable you to send & receive data messages of up to 32 kilobytes. Inmarsat C and Mini C are store-and-forward messaging services using inexpensive satellite terminals to send and receive data messages from fixed devices such as PCs and telex machines. They are ideally suited for messaging, fleet management, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Homeland Security, maritime and aero safety solutions.
Marlink is today responsible for almost half of the global traffic on Inmarsat C, which forms the basis of vital maritime safety and vessel tracking and positioning systems. Since 2006, Marlink’s Inmarsat C traffic has grown to be 12 times larger. This significant and continual growth is driven by our long term knowledge, experience and solid partnerships on Inmarsat C, as well as the vital and continuous development of infrastructure to provide the highest Quality of Service (QoS), benefiting the safety of seafarers.
- Complete reliability: reliable access to vital information, such as position reporting, data monitoring, messaging, and distress calling
- Safe at sea: compliant with Global Maritime Distress & Safety System (GMDSS)
- Convenient billing: volume-based invoicing
- Compact: light, compact equipment
- Single unit: transceiver and antenna in a single unit (Mini C: Sailor terminal only)
- Cost efficient: IP Front End Processor (IP-FEP) compatible for enhanced cost-efficiency and direct access to Inmarsat Land Earth Station
- Better reporting: enhanced Pre-Assigned Data Report (EPADR) compliancy to increase reliability and efficiency of the transfer of the data and position reports

Inmarsat C or Mini C provide two-way messaging, distress calling, data reporting and polling as well as Enhanced Group Call (EGC) such as EGC SafetyNETâ„¢ and FleetNETâ„¢.
Inmarsat C
- 2-way data, telex*, fax (ship2shore), TCP-IP, email & SMS communications to destinations worldwide
- Approved for use under the GMDSS and mandatory for Solas-compliant ships operating outside Navtex coverage areas
- Enhanced services for VMS (Vessel Monitoring System)
Inmarsat Mini C
- 2-way data, telex*, fax (ship2shore), TCP-IP, email & SMS communications to destinations worldwide
- 6 inputs/outputs for sensors
- Very low power consumption (only 10.2 mW on standby)
- Approved for use under the GMDSS and mandatory for Solas-compliant ships operating outside Navtex coverage areas
- Enhanced services for VMS (Vessel Monitoring System)
- EDR (Enhanced Data Reporting) and EPADR (Enhanced Pre Assigned Data Report) compliant
- Position reports to multiple destinations and time zones as well as EPADR
- Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT)
- Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)
- Land Mobile & Maritime distress
- Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)
* Please note that from 1st February 2017 ship-to-shore telex messages are only possible via EIK LES-ID 04.
Featured products
SAILOR 6120 SSAS mini-C
SAILOR 6120 SSAS mini-C introduces new messaging functionality and meets all requirements of the Ship Security Alert System.
SAILOR 6110 mini-c GMDSS System is the first system to be the world’s most powerful, user-friendly and reliable satellite transceiver system for all ship tracking, monitoring, messaging and distress communications.
FELCOM-18 Inmarsat-C Terminal
The Furuno Felcom-18 Inmarsat-C provides a high-quality two-way telex and data link between ships and other parties at sea or on land.